It's Cancer Awareness month, go pink. |
*Well this is awkward...*
Alright, well I guess you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing.
I'm THEFASHIONSHRIMP, also known as Anna J. Stainsby, but let's stick to THEFASHIONSHRIMP, shall we? I wrote this blog to share my thoughts on fashion, art, style and trends (something I like to call F.A.S.T), to share outfits, inspiring places, people and pictures (Woah I'm on fire, check out that unexpected alliteration!)
Oh, speaking of unexpected, that reminds me, something that I like to say:
"Expect the unexpected", especially when it comes to fashion. I started saying it long beforea whole bunch of rotten people stole it from me, but oh well, what can you do about it?
Ok, I'll stop boring you and add a nicer post later :)
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