You read right.
For Halloween, Rachel, Zoe and I are being porcelain dolls. We came up with that idea last night (I know, we plan last minuto) over brownies and Halloween candy (from a few years ago I'm ashamed to inform you)
We went to Value Village this morning and got 3 dresses (Zoe's and mine weren't that expensive, but Ray got her's for 7$ and we got ours for 16$, but oh well)

I found the most gorgeous red and gray knit skirt (it looks better than it sounds) but it was 20$ and I still needed more money for the fabric for the hand muffs.
I'll be a little Russian Winter Edition Porcelain doll with a pulse of 82 beats per minute and other things I know you won't understand but it basically meant that I was in a coma or dead. Weird right?
I went to Shoppers with the girls and decided to do that blood pressure machine thing. The numbers went like this:
I had no idea what they meant so I went to the pharmacists' local or whatever they call it. The guy took a look at the receipt with all the numbers on it and look utterly worried (hee hee that sounds so novel-y)and said he needed another pharmacist check it. I just figured it was cause he had a "PHARMACIST STUDENT" tag on.
They came back a few seconds later, both wearing a distinct concern face on (woah! I am such a novelist)and the woman asks me:
"Is this yours?", I figured she asked that because I'm not sure I can pass for 16 and there was a sign saying: IF UNDER 16, HAVE PARENTAL AUTHORISATION or something of that sort, so I thought she would give me a whole big lecture.
So, I said it was and she looked at me with wide eyes: "You shouldn't be alive right now."
Well, that was awkward really. All I could find to reply was: "Oh." "You shouldn't be standing and talking to me right now.", "Oh well I didn't eat much this morning so...", "Do you eat normally?", "Yeah I do, I was just kinda in a hurry... but Zo just gave me a Granola bar...", "Ok well sit down for 5 minutes and do it again..."
I did and the numbers weren't great but definitly weren't as bad. My pulse did get higher but just by one ''point'' or whatever they call it.
I went back to the pharmacist and she looked at it, and said: "Ok, well this is okay for low blood pressure. Before it was coma."
Don't judge me, but it was pretty cool to have a near-death experience. I could've been falling into a coma or been in a living-coma (not sure it exists but I could be like a new medical find)
I wish I knew. Oh well.
I love Lily Cole in the last terry Gillian's film "the imaginarium of doctor Parnassius" !